The original purpose of UIBuilder is to utilize XML/XSL technology to ease the development and maintenance of Java Swing/SWT UI applications. To achieve it, we introduce XML description documents to define, specify, and inicate the attributes, listeners, and data models for Java UI components, as follow:
UIBuilder utilizes a set of XSL templates to genarte resources bundle properties files from the XML Description Documents automatically. Those XSL templates will extract the key-value pairs from XML description documents for differnt languages and differnt locations. So, for a new language or location, you can add those value s to XML docuemnts, or copy a generated properties file and then change it. Check the samples section for examples.
Provides a thread-safe mutlti-thread framework for Java Swing applications. In a complicated UI application, using threads to do those time-cosuming work is very general. However Java Swing is not thread safe. In UIBuilder we provide a thread-safe muli-thread framework to solve the problem.